Thursday, September 1, 2016

Online Workstation Assessment By Posture Group

Posture Group is foremost provider of online Workstation Assessment software that guarantees compliance with the Health and Safety Display Screen paraphernalia regulations 1992. Posture Group online workstation assessment system computerize the process of providing workstation assessments and highlights the high precedence issues that need to be dealt with to reduce the health and safety risks to your company. The online DSE workstation assessment software is suggested for companies that require providing DSE workstation assessments for more than 10 employees.

The system has been developed by Posture Group’s team of 250+ ergonomics, physiotherapy and health and safety consultants to streamline the process they use for providing face to face workstation assessments. A choice of training videos- employees can select the type of workstation / screen setup that applies to them and then view specific training geared to their exact setup. The 3D animated video will illustrate to the user all the information required to setup their workstation correctly, considering aspects such as working posture and seated posture.

An individual Workstation Assessment is a detailed risk appraisal of a worker’s office workstation which is often conducted if a person is experiencing uneasiness or has continued a hurt or injury. Individual workstation assessments are intended at recognizing risk factors at the workstation that may origin injury and finding preventive solutions to these tribulations. 

Analysis of the worker – job necessities and their working posture. Conversation of rest and stretch breaks throughout the day to minimize injuries. Suggestions including any paraphernalia that may be required. A report is devised following the assessment and this will be provided to human resources for evaluation. Workstation Assessment can be conducted on an individual basis in addition to a proactively. Proactive workstation assessments facilitate an organization to ensure that their employees are set up at their workstation in a safe and correct manner. They generally involve a shorter assessment and more concise reports.

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